Austria Companies Database

Regular company updates

Use only the most recent data when addressing the market of your interest

On-demand data enrichment

Complete the info you hold with useful data provided at your request

Full addressable market view

Estimate your business potential relying on a comprehensive market research

Austria Business Directory

According to a research from the B2B Technology Marketing Community, 61% of B2B marketers think generating high-quality leads is one of their biggest challenges. It takes a lot of time and resources to look for new leads manually, and waiting for potential customers to come to you can prove to be disastrous.

The Global Database Austria contact directory holds details for 45979 businesses and key contacts in the country, so you can enjoy a wealth of high quality fresh new leads to add to your sales funnel immediately. The database is fully searchable using a range of filtering options, so whether you're looking for small business leads or the CEOs of major industry-leading companies, you'll have all the information you need to reach out to them.

Understand and engage with your audience

Total Companies
Latest update

Austria Industry Database

The Austria business directory has information on companies across 34 verticals in the region, including IT, legal, engineering, and transport and logistics, to name just a few. Our records include company name and address, telephone and fax numbers, email addresses, staff members, turnover, and much more. Users can easily filter their search applying specific demographics to narrow down the 45979 Austria records to exactly what they need.

Analyze and select your target industries

Average Number of Companies per Industry
Austria Biggest Industry
Construction & Real Estate
Number of Industries in Austria

Austria Business Credit Reports

Are you overlooking the simple and proven way to minimize risk and make more informed decisions? Global Database Business Credit Report platform makes sure you have what you need to help avoid cash flow interruptions and gain access to the prospects in the Construction & Real Estate industry in Austria.


Extending credit for goods and services is commonplace in the B2B market in Austria. And most companies evaluate the creditworthiness of their partners by their impressions of their interactions, never knowing their current partners’ and future prospects’ credit limit, payment history, or group structure. In the end, they not only expose themselves to high levels of financial risk, they lose out on ways to successfully target profitable prospects.


Don’t wait — protect your business now. When you utilize the Global Database Business Credit Report platform, you’ll have access to data for 8457 businesses in the Construction & Real Estate industry in Austria. You’ll get a reliable business credit report that gives you information to easily make better decisions — allowing you to maintain healthy cash flow levels, catch fraud before it happens, understand a prospects’ credit risk, and navigate their group structure.

Enter company name or reg. number
Business Credit Reports

Austria Email Database

At Global Database we understand how vital your email marketing list is to your business; having the right email addresses is integral to helping you crack the Austria market. Our directory contains 369822 direct email addresses for the region, all of which are tested every 30 days to ensure they are valid and still in use. Our data is so accurate that you could even use it to clean your existing lists, to make sure everything is still right.

Get results by creating targeted custom campaigns

Accuracy rate
Average email contacts per company
Valid email addresses

Austria Phone Database

With 41531 direct numbers in our companies database, Austria businesses are easier to reach than ever before. As with all of our intelligence, the phone numbers contained in our B2B marketing database are subject to our strict system focused around data integrity.

  • Data collected from reputable sources only, such as Companies House or annual reports

  • Patented-web crawling technology that adds and updates profiles in real-time

  • A team of in-house experts to manually check and sort data

Provide your BDRs with the right tools

Number of companies in Austria
Direct phone numbers listed
Phone Numbers on Average per Company

Austria B2B Marketing Database

If you're looking to target company CEOs, CTOs or senior managers in Austria, Global Database's business directory is the ideal choice. The staff level filter allows you to narrow your search accordingly, allowing you to add hundreds or even thousands of senior executives and managers to your B2B email list or phone list in an instant.

Filter, analyze, select, and engage with your customers
