Germany Companies Database

Regular company updates

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On-demand data enrichment

Complete the info you hold with useful data provided at your request

Full addressable market view

Estimate your business potential relying on a comprehensive market research

Germany Business Directory

Whether you are just exploring the companies located in Germany or analysing the local market, what you need to accomplish the task is a high-quality German company database. Regardless of the criteria by which you’d be selecting, Global Database has got you covered. Featuring over 12.2M businesses in Germany only, both active and inactive, we assure you that you will find all the information you need and more in our German business directory. Yet you will not just get a list of companies in Germany. What Global Database has on offer is full company profiles comprising any important and critical information, including a detailed
overview, headquarters and other office locations, corporate group structure, up to 20 years of financial data, employees’ corporate profiles, web technology insights and a lot more. All entries on the Germany business directory list are continuously updated and presented in structured datasets.
The German company directory provided by Global Database offers you much more than any other list of companies in Germany, as not only does it comprise corporate Germany email lists, but over 80 other data points making it a top-tier business directory in Germany.

Understand and engage with your audience

Total Companies
Latest update

Germany Industry Database

Global Database Business Directory Germany features a list of German companies for each of the 34 industries or for each of the extensive list of German SIC-codes, in case you filter the
companies according to the industry they operate in. Averaging approximately 320 thousand German companies per industry, stay assured that you have access to up-to-date company data Germany has officially shared and that it is the most accurate German business directory list you can find on the market.

Analyze and select your target industries

Average Company per Industry
Germany Biggest Industry
Number of Industries in Germany

Germany Business Credit Reports

Are you overlooking the simple and proven way to minimize risk and make more informed decisions? Global Database Business Credit Report platform makes sure you have what you need to help avoid cash flow interruptions and gain access to the prospects in the Automotive industry in Germany.


Extending credit for goods and services is commonplace in the B2B market in Germany. And most companies evaluate the creditworthiness of their partners by their impressions of their interactions, never knowing their current partners’ and future prospects’ credit limit, payment history, or group structure. In the end, they not only expose themselves to high levels of financial risk, they lose out on ways to successfully target profitable prospects.


Don’t wait — protect your business now. When you utilize the Global Database Business Credit Report platform, you’ll have access to data for 318068 businesses in the Automotive industry in Germany. You’ll get a reliable business credit report that gives you information to easily make better decisions — allowing you to maintain healthy cash flow levels, catch fraud before it happens, understand a prospects’ credit risk, and navigate their group structure.

Enter company name or reg. number
Business Credit Reports

Germany Email Database

The consistent reliability of email marketing as an efficient channel as well as the returns it generates pleasingly helps to deliver the message the way you want to and when you want to. Yet gatekeepers are oftentimes those who may ruin it for you. Global Database German email addresses list is the solution, as it allows focusing on the most important tasks at hand and fortifying current bases instead of worrying whether your email will reach the right person at the right time.
Besides over 4M accurate email addresses on the Germany business email list, you receive the most advanced functionality as the segmentation tools offered let you get not a general Germany business mailing list, but one that would comprise only the companies carefully picked according to the criteria of your interest. A few clicks to filter the company information database Germany, and what you get is the most relevant for your business mailing list Germany.

Get results by creating targeted custom campaigns

Accuracy rate
Average email contacts per company
Valid email addresses

Germany Phone Directory

The subscription to Global Database Germany company directory offers you much more than just a German email addresses list. While staying 100% GDPR-compliant, our German companies database features the corporate phone numbers of the right people, the ones you need to reach out to in order to achieve your goal. Be it decision-makers at the company or department levels, you will find the way to get in touch with them directly using Global Database phone business directory Germany.

Provide your BDRs with the right tools

Number of companies in Germany
Direct phone numbers listed
Average phone number per company

Germany B2B Marketing Database

Regardless of what companies will end up on your list of German companies once you filter them out according to relevant criteria, you will receive full company profiles with data ranging from location, size, financials, liabilities and contact information to web technology insights. Segmented the right way, all the entries on your list of German companies will represent the profiles of high-probability prospects, while the business mailing list Germany that you will get will help you reallocate your efforts on what’s more important and save your time. The German database directory obtained will provide you with more than enough business intel to craft the most personalised B2B marketing campaigns to further assure your success.

Filter, analyze, select, and engage with your customers


Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find the Global Database Germany email List?

We provide access to our entire platform to take care of our customers. With this solution, you can choose any email addresses you want to use. We offer favorable conditions for our customers and strive to make every customer satisfied with our work.

Once you have the access to our platform you can easily select the "Location" and the "Region" you need, then press on "Advanced Search" - "Only Select Companies That" and then click on "Have email Address". Now you have the email list you need!

What is the Germany Database APi and where can I use it?

The Global Database API (Application Programming Interface) provides an efficient process of communication between programs that use each other's functions and resources.

You can use the German Database API to build your product or stream B2B operational information to achieve the greatest value for your business.

The wide range of features you get with the Global Database API: Automatic data synchronization, clear search process, simplified credit decisions, and quite streamlined processes.

Is there any type of Credit Report for Germany company directory?

Yes! Global Database offers Credit Report for all the companies listed by our platform. The credit report of German companies offers crucial information. It includes Credit Limit History, Financials (KPIs & RATIOS, Capital & Reserves), Payment Information, etc.

What type of Global Database products offer a free trial and how can I request it?

Most Global Database products offer a free trial. It all depends on market size and other market indicators. As soon as you and our market leader outline the range of data that will be offered based on your interests, our representative will notify you which products are available in the free trial.

What are the best B2B Data providers in Germany features?

When choosing the perfect data provider for your needs, you only need to stick to the best characteristics. Below we have listed the 5 most important characteristics of company data providers that will help you choose the best one for your business.

  1.  Data accuracy. The first and most important criterion when choosing a data provider is its reliability.
  2. Understanding the company. An effective business development strategy starts with creating a "buyer persona" that covers all the important details about your future customers, their interests, pain points, and hidden motivating factors.
  3. Database usability. One of the goals of acquiring a company database is to facilitate and improve your sales, and marketing processes, which is achievable through the automation that such a database provides.
  4. Completeness of information. The next key criterion that usually determines the choice of a company data provider is the regional coverage of its database. 
  5. Cost. Of course, price is a very important factor for any business, but let's not forget about such an important factors as the overall return on investment and other important factors.

What company information does Global Database offer?

The Global Database Sales & Marketing platform offers extensive and up-to-date information about each company. Global Database offers information on company contacts, the number of employees and their details, the company's age and turnover, the website, financial records, credit scores, and the various technologies used.