Consumer Goods & Services Industry Database

Regular company updates

Use only the most recent data when addressing the market of your interest

On-demand data enrichment

Complete the info you hold with useful data provided at your request

Full addressable market view

Estimate your business potential relying on a comprehensive market research

The consumer goods and services industry is thriving, thanks in no small part to the impressive product innovation in recent times. The grocery sector in the US has seen the number of SKUs increase by over 50%, and overall global growth for consumer packaged goods hit 2.5% in 2017.

Subscribing to the Consumer Goods & Services Industry Directory from Global Database enables you to take advantage of this opportunity. You can access 449817 company records for those currently working in the sector, all of which contain in-depth data such as financials, contact details, employee information, digital insights and credit scores.

Global Database has the following packages by region: Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, Latin America, Caribbean and Middle East. All of our directories are fully filterable based on a range of criteria, to allow you to easily find the exact prospects you need.

Consumer Goods & Services Industry Database

Total Companies
Latest update

Reach the Right People at Every Organisation

An industry as vast as consumer goods and services employs millions of people worldwide. However, when it comes to making a sale, the most important factor is speaking to the right decision maker. Global Database has 780455 records for employees working in the industry worldwide, including senior executives. You can easily filter them by their job title and seniority level, then use direct contact information to start pitching.

Consumer Goods & Services Companies
The United States of America
Top Performer Country
Average Companies per Country

The consumer goods and services industry is thriving across all regions, but particularly in emerging markets such as India and China, where growth in the industry is forecasted to reach 30% in the next decade. Whether you're targeting one of these less established markets or not, email marketing remains the best way to reach out to potential customers. All of the email addresses provided in the Global Database directory are checked every thirty days to ensure accuracy, giving us one of the top deliverability rates possible. Using our consumer goods and services industry database will give you a serious boost with your next email campaign.

Consumer Goods & Services Email Database

Accuracy rate
Average Email Contacts per Company
Valid Email Addresses

Consumer Goods & Services Phone Database

Far from just a simple online phone directory, our consumer goods and services B2B database provides direct dial numbers for key decision makers. This means your sales team no longer have the headache of dealing with gatekeepers and secretaries, instead they'll be able to reach senior managers and other executives from the very first call. Simply sort the contacts using the range of filter options available, and you're good to go.

Number of Consumer Goods & Services Companies
Direct phone numbers listed
Average phone number per company

Enjoy Access for a Whole Year, with Daily Updates Included

The consumer goods and services industry is headed for even greater growth and expansion. It's predicted that by 2020, there will be over one billion new consumers, each spending between $10 and $100 every day. In order to keep up in such a rapidly growing market, you need to ensure that your customer data never goes stale. When you subscribe with Global Database, you not only get access for a whole year, but also the guarantee that all of our data is regularly checked and updated. This not only keeps things fresh, but also gives you the chance to find new leads for your pipeline every month.
