Pakistan Companies Database

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Full addressable market view

Estimate your business potential relying on a comprehensive market research

Pakistan Business Directory

The Global Database company directory has 1160 entries for leading organisations and key employees located throughout Pakistan. Our database offers everything you need for well-executed and successful marketing campaigns, including company names and addresses, direct phone, fax and email contacts, income and turnover, employee numbers, senior managers and senior executives lists and much more.

Our Pakistan company database streamlines the client acquisition process and provides you with high quality leads to add to your sales funnel, with a wide range of demographic filters to allow the creation of much more specific lists than other company intelligence providers. Our database is enjoyed by businesses, banks, universities governments and research centres the world over, including market-leading brands such as Maserati, KPMG, Microsoft, DHL and Experian.

  • Build accurate, highly targeted mailing lists from scratch

  • Use a range of demographic filters to segment contacts

  • Carry out research on competitors

  • Qualify leads and undertake risk assessment for business deals

  • Verify the quality of your current contact data

Understand and engage with your audience

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Total Companies
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Pakistan Industry Database

Whether you are looking for data on large enterprises or small business leads specifically, we have thousands of records in your niche. Our B2B marketing database has intelligence that covers 34 verticals, ranging from government to oil and gas, agriculture to marketing and human resources to quality assurance. With a total of 1160 Pakistan profiles, we have all the vital data to kick start your next campaign.

Analyze and select your target industries

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Average Company per Industry
Consumer Goods & Services
Pakistan Biggest Industry
Number of Industries in Pakistan

Pakistan Email Address Database

According to research from McKinsey, the average order value of an email is at least three times higher than that of social media. This statistic alone demonstrates the need for your email marketing campaigns to reach the right people, and with Global Database's email address database, Pakistan key decision makers will get your sales messages directly to their inbox.

Our email directory is made up of 485424 email addresses for the region, with each one being checked every 30 days and any stale or inaccurate entries removed. This has led to us having one of the best deliverability rates in the industry; an essential factor in the success of your email campaigns.

Get results by creating targeted custom campaigns

Accuracy rate
Average email contacts per company
Valid email addresses

Pakistan Phone Database

The Global Database business contact directory holds 8060 direct phone numbers for Pakistan companies, with new profiles added every day. With our accurate contact data your sales team has the chance to get straight through to key decision makers in the region, without the cost and hassle of constantly being met by gatekeepers.

Provide your BDRs with the right tools

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Number of companies in Pakistan
Direct phone numbers listed
Average phone number per company

Pakistan B2B Marketing Database

Global Database allows your business to find thousands of potential clients based on the specific demographics that your product or service is aimed at. Your search can even be narrowed down instantly to just senior employees by utilising the staff level filter, leaving you with direct access to thousands of company CEOs, CTOs or senior managers for the region.

Filter, analyze, select, and engage with your customers

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