Find, verify and sell to over +250M companies worldwide
Leading data solution that helps you discover and engage customers while staying compliant across global markets
Free trialUse data that helps you sell
Global Database Sales & Marketing platform offers you first-rate inputs for every step of your sales funnel. Choose quality data on prospects, customers and competitors and see your business grow exponentially
Learn moreList Enrichment
Fill in all the empty data fields
Bolster your business database. Gain an enriched view of any company you’re interested in and stay assured that whenever you review its profile, you’ll see the most up-to-date information available
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Business Credit Reporting
Make savvy and compliant choices
Ensure you are fully aware of both opportunities and risks when engaging with businesses. Scrutinize credit reports, financial data, shareholder intel, group structure and more to keep your company safe
Automate your processes
Synchronise data automatically, easily fill in the blanks, facilitate onboarding, automate risk assessment and use straightforward API integration to stream global data intelligence to your preferred tool or database
Learn moreRequest a free demo and see the potential for yourself
General5-7 min read
From Traditional Codes to Dynamic Tags: Global Database Redefines Industry Classification
Industry classification systems are vital for identifying, organizing, and analyzing businesses based on their activities.
Sales9 min read
What is Lead Enrichment and why it matters?
What is Lead Data Enrichment - how exactly does it improve your bottom margins; how does it help your sales and most importantly how do you take full advantage of it?
Sales8 min read
Why is Company Hierarchy Data important for marketing and sales departments
Company hierarchy data is just one of the numerous types of data you can use to boost your B2B sales and marketing efficiency. Financial information, credit risks, digital insights - there is a bottomless ocean of priceless knowledge, that, when properly structured and used, can make a revolution in one’s business.