Consulting Industry Database

Regular company updates

Use only the most recent data when addressing the market of your interest

On-demand data enrichment

Complete the info you hold with useful data provided at your request

Full addressable market view

Estimate your business potential relying on a comprehensive market research

The consulting industry is currently worth around $250 billion globally, and continues to grow at a healthy rate. Subscribing to the consulting industry database from Global Database allows you to get to the heart of organisations working in the sector. We hold information on 478731 companies working in consulting worldwide, and these can be easily narrowed based on your particular requirements.

Every business record provides vital data such as financial information, employee details, credit scores, contact information and digital insights. We offer datasets by continent, including the following: Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, Latin America, Caribbean and Middle East.

Consulting Industry Database

Total Companies
Latest update

Target Decision Makers in each Consulting Company

There are currently around 700,000 consulting firms located across the globe, directly employing millions of people. Our B2B platform allows you to search from 1172574 executives in the industry. In order to find the specific people you need to reach out to, you can search based on job title, seniority and department, giving you the chance to speak with decision makers at every organisation.

Consulting Companies
Top Performer Country
Average Companies per Country

The global consulting market has seen continuous and increased growth over the last few years, particularly in emerging economies. Whether your business is targeting a mature market or one that is less established, our B2B directory can get you the contacts you need. We provide thousands of email addresses for the consulting industry worldwide, and because we check each of them every 30 days, we have one of the best deliverability rates on the market. You can populate your CRM or email marketing software with new contact data in an instant thanks to free and unlimited exports via Excel.

Consulting Industry Email Database

Accuracy rate
Average Email Contacts per Company
Valid Email Addresses

Consulting Industry Phone Database

Our consulting industry database allows you to reach out to thousands of key decision makers across the sector. We even provide direct dial numbers, giving you the opportunity to skip the frustration of dealing with secretaries who are likely to block your sales calls. With Global Database you can reach the people with the power to say 'yes' from the very first phone call. Simply filter the directory based on your audience preferences, and then away you go.

Number of Consulting Companies
Direct phone numbers listed
Average phone number per company

One-Year Access with Daily Updates as Standard

When you subscribe to our consulting B2B directory, you can enjoy access for a whole year. The consulting industry database is updated every single day - old records are deleted, new information is added and corrections are made. Thanks to these continuous checks and updates, we can provide our members with a 93% accuracy guarantee. In the unlikely event that we fail to meet this promise, we'll happily provide a set of fresh contacts as a replacement.  
