Bulgaria Business Directory

Regular company updates

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On-demand data enrichment

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Full addressable market view

Estimate your business potential relying on a comprehensive market research

Bulgaria Companies Database

With the Global Database companies database, Bulgaria businesses are much more reachable than ever before. Our contact directory holds 15496 entries for company contacts in the country, and includes details vital to establishing a complete view of each organisation, such as:

  • Income and profit

  • Number of employees

  • Years of operation

  • Lists of senior executives and senior managers

  • Direct contact information for email, phone, and fax

Our impressive accuracy levels mean high-quality leads for your next marketing campaign, and our records are easily narrowed down using a range of filter options so that you can build efficient and targeted lists from the ground up. Our customers span across the globe, with many in the FTSE 100, and include numerous market-leading companies such as KPMG, Maserati, Cisco and Experian.

Understand and engage with your audience

Total Companies
Latest update

Bulgaria Industry Database

The Bulgaria business directory features businesses within the technology, oil and gas, human resources and IT sectors, as well as 30 others. With 15496 Bulgaria records to work with, your company is sure to find plenty of high-quality new leads in your niche for a successful B2B email list or call list.

Analyze and select your target industries

Average Company per Industry
Bulgaria Biggest Industry
Number of Industries in Bulgaria

Bulgaria Email Database

With our email address database, Bulgaria business contacts can be easily reached with accurate and direct email addresses, all of which are regularly validated. Choosing to buy email business database access with Global Database means gaining 64395 new email addresses, with new entries being added every single day by our cutting-edge web crawling system as well as our team of in-house employees.

Get results by creating targeted custom campaigns

Accuracy rate
Average email contacts per company
Valid email addresses

Bulgaria Phone Database

Although sometimes overlooked in today's digital age, telesales campaigns can still be incredibly useful in gaining new business. Indeed, according to LinkedIn, 90% of managers believe that cold calling remains a valuable and effective marketing tool.

Of course, the success of your telesales campaigns largely depends on the contact details available to you. The Global Database company phone database contains 1392 direct numbers to ensure your sales team can bypass gatekeepers and get straight through to the key employees who hold the buying power in each company.

Provide your BDRs with the right tools

Number of companies in Bulgaria
Direct phone numbers listed
Average phone number per company

Bulgaria B2B Marketing Database

Filtering our 16174 Bulgaria records is made fool-proof using a range of options that enable you to drill down to the exact company and contact types you need; just want the email addresses of CEOs, or those from a certain business size or turnover? The Global Database online platform allows you to create real targeted marketing lists, no matter what industry, business size, or job title you are looking for.

Filter, analyze, select, and engage with your customers
