Global Database Outreach

Identify, build and grow your network

Exploit LinkedIn like a Pro

Enrich your prospect’s profile in seconds – get verified e-mail addresses or phone numbers at a glance

Generate B2B Campaign Lists

Segregate your targets into use-case-driven campaign lists and make your outreach personal

Close sustainable prospects

Access credit scores and up to 5 years of financials in seconds – onboard new sales with trust
Explore Global Database Outreach and hunt prospects, organize actionable lists and streamline your outreach efforts

Genuinely LinkedIn with prospects

Connect with your prospects beyond LinkedIn. Obtain alternative contact options for your outreach strategy and validate your B2B data at a glance. With Global Database Outreach, you get alternative contact points for multi-sided outreach strategies.

Build multi-puprose target lists

Organize your target lists directly from your browser and skip the copy/paste chore. Once qualified, save prospects to new purpose-based lists, or synchronize research efforts interactively by updating predefined, scope-oriented catalogues, with yet another prospect record.

Streamline your Outreach efforts

Assign prospects to automated, pre-defined communication flows and slash cold outreach efforts in half. With Global Databases’ Outreach suite, you’re getting closer to your prospect, using verified and experience-based communication strategies, which transform generic outreach messages into personalized, prospect-centric communication.

Write direct emails in one single click

Reach your hot prospects directly from LinkedIn, without having to navigate away from your current conversation. If Michael wants a quote in his mailbox, right this second, Global Database Outreach has you covered. Write that e-mail without leaving that conversation and don’t worry; our automation suite, syncs all your communications to the Sales Engagement Platform, so you could always keep track of your outreach efforts.

Access company financials in seconds

Your prospect looks too good to be true? Perform a due diligence check and access up to 5 years of in-depth company financial intelligence in seconds. Verify potential business partners’ or competitors’ financial situation and close sustainable accounts within – that’s what we genuine sales intelligence.

Watch a 5-min video presentation of our global company information database

Lead generation and stockholders’ timely due diligence form the essence of any business’s security and continuity