North Korea Business Directory

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On-demand data enrichment

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Full addressable market view

Estimate your business potential relying on a comprehensive market research

North Korea Business Directory

The Global Database North Korea business contact directory has details for 2012 organisations and top employees in the country. Our cutting edge online platform holds key information including company names and addresses, contact details such as phone, email, and fax, revenue, business size and much more. By segmenting a search using our range of filters you can create highly targeted lists based on the specific demographics that your business is marketing to.

The North Korea company contacts database takes the hassle out of manually sourcing new business leads; a simple search will provide you with a wealth of new sales opportunities, and with vital details about each company in the listings you can even qualify each lead before adding them to your campaign.

Understand and engage with your audience

Total Companies
Latest update

North Korea Industry Database

Our business directory contains details for companies across 34 fields in North Korea. Whether you're looking for contacts in technology, legal, finance, purchasing and procurement, or something else entirely, Global Database has your vertical covered. With a total of 2012 records in the North Korea directory, you can rest assured that our email marketing database will have the greatest chance of supplying exactly what you need.

Analyze and select your target industries

Average Company per Industry
Mining & Minerals
North Korea Biggest Industry
Number of Industries in North Korea

North Korea Email Address Database

When you buy email list access with Global Database, you have 4102 North Korea direct email addresses at your disposal. Given the incredibly important nature of your business' email marketing list, we ensure that our data is always as current and error-free as possible. We validate every entry in our email database every 30 days, and only use authoritative sources to gather our intelligence, including Companies House, public filings, telephone interviews and the stock exchange. The result? High deliverability rates that ultimately lead to better engagement and increased revenue with every campaign.  

Get results by creating targeted custom campaigns

Accuracy rate
Average email contacts per company
Valid email addresses

North Korea Phone Database

Cold calling can pose a challenge for any business, no matter the size or industry. Being constantly met with gatekeepers is not only frustrating but also costs your business valuable resources. That's why Global Database ensures that our company phone database contains direct numbers; so that your team can always speak to the person at the top of the chain. With 2301 North Korea direct numbers, you can easily reach out to the people you need.

Provide your BDRs with the right tools

Number of companies in North Korea
Direct phone numbers listed
Average phone number per company

North Korea B2B Marketing Database

No matter which industry or business size your sales team are targeting, we have thousands of direct contact details for North Korea key players. Need to speak to CEOs, CTOs or senior managers in the region? Our online platform allows users to filter by staff job title, giving instant access to the people at the very top of the chain.

Filter, analyze, select, and engage with your customers
