Vietnam Companies Database

Regular company updates

Use only the most recent data when addressing the market of your interest

On-demand data enrichment

Complete the info you hold with useful data provided at your request

Full addressable market view

Estimate your business potential relying on a comprehensive market research

Vietnam Companies Database

Sourcing new leads can be a challenge for any company, as can manually scouring the internet for company contact details – particularly in the case of those looking to market to new and/or smaller businesses.

The Global Database Vietnam provides a much more efficient solution to the problem of finding accurate company intelligence; with contact details for 54856 leading companies and key employees in Vietnam, you can build high quality contact lists from scratch.

Whether you're looking to buy small business data or contacts for large multinationals, our database has all the information you need, and a range of filtering options mean that you can quickly and easily fine-tune your lists based around certain demographics.

Understand and engage with your audience

Total Companies
Latest update

Vietnam Industry Database

Looking for CEOs in the engineering industry, CTOs in transport and logistics, or senior managers in the legal profession? Whatever contacts your business needs, with the Global Database B2B marketing database, Vietnam company information will be immediately available to you. No matter how niche your search may be, our 54856 Vietnam records across 34 different verticals will give your marketing campaign a serious boost.

Analyze and select your target industries

Average Company per Industry
Vietnam Biggest Industry
Construction & Real Estate
Number of Industries in Vietnam

Vietnam Business Credit Reports

Need an easy way to minimize your financial risk and make more informed business decisions? Global Database Credit Report platform connects you with one of the most overlooked yet crucial ways to avoid cash flow inconsistencies and to target your ideal prospects in the Construction & Real Estate industry in Vietnam: a comprehensive business credit report of your current and future B2B partners.

When doing business in the B2B market in Vietnam, you’ll likely need to extend credit for goods and services. And if you’re like many companies, you may rely on the interactions and impressions of your partners when assessing partnership potential. Yet without realizing it, you are opening yourself up to high levels of risk. By overlooking the need to run a business credit report, you won’t be able to assess a company’s payment history, credit limit, or group structure information — leaving your financial future up to chance.

Take the first step today — protect your business for the future with a business credit report. The Global Database Business Credit Report platform gives you a fast, easy way to access data for 8465 businesses in the Construction & Real Estate industry in Vietnam. You’ll be in the best position to catch fraud, keep healthy cash flow levels, use your prospects’ group structure for targeted outreach, and monitor the credit risk of both your current and future partners.

Enter company name or reg. number
Business Credit Reports

Vietnam Email Database

Email marketing is an essential part of any business' overall strategy, and at Global Database we understand that the quality of your contact data is imperative to the success of your campaigns. With our email address database, Vietnam direct contacts totalling 18070 are validated every 30 days, resulting in one of the highest deliverability rates of any intelligence provider.

When you buy email database access with Global Database you can easily segment your lists to create highly targeted campaigns, and then exporting as much as you like to Excel to ensure your list building is as smooth as possible.

Get results by creating targeted custom campaigns

Accuracy rate
Average email contacts per company
Valid email addresses

Vietnam Phone Database

The Vietnam company phone database holds 32823 direct numbers for key company contacts. If you're tired of coming up against outdated and inaccurate details, or being met by gatekeepers when trying to reach a vital employee, our contact directory holds the answer. All of our contact details are direct, and gathered from reputable sources to ensure accuracy, such as:

  • Annual reports

  • Public filings/stock exchanges

  • Companies House

  • Chambers of Commerce

  • Phone interviews

Provide your BDRs with the right tools

Number of companies in Vietnam
Direct phone numbers listed
Average phone number per company

Vietnam B2B Marketing Database

At Global Database we understand that getting your product or service in front of the people empowered to make purchasing decisions can be a challenge, which is why we created a seniority level filter in our B2B marketing database. Using this you can easily find the direct contact details for CEOs, CTOs and senior managers located throughout Vietnam.

Filter, analyze, select, and engage with your customers
