Saint Lucia Companies Database

Regular company updates

Use only the most recent data when addressing the market of your interest

On-demand data enrichment

Complete the info you hold with useful data provided at your request

Full addressable market view

Estimate your business potential relying on a comprehensive market research

Saint Lucia Business Directory

Get the ball rolling on your Saint Lucia marketing efforts with company intelligence from Global Database. With over 4 registered organisations listed, your business can get to the heart of Saint Lucia business and make valuable contacts and business deals in the region. A range of configurable filters make it easy to find the specific contact types you need in order to build highly targeted mailing lists, which can then be transferred directly into Excel for use with your company's CRM or email marketing provider.

Our innovative online platform does not only hold high quality email address lists for sale, but also includes a wide range of data crucial to gaining an in-depth understanding of each company listed. Our entries consist of:

  • Company names and addresses

  • Direct contact information for phone, fax, and email

  • Income and turnover

  • Senior managers and senior executives list,

  • Employee count,

  • Office locations and much more.  

Understand and engage with your audience

Total Companies
Latest update

Saint Lucia Industry Database

If you need Saint Lucia business leads in a particular industry, our company contacts database is ideal. We have 4 records available for the region across a total of 34 verticals, ranging from human resources and marketing to shipping and engineering, so whatever field your business is targeting you will have plenty of immediate new sales opportunities.

Analyze and select your target industries

Average Company per Industry
Saint Lucia Biggest Industry
Number of Industries in Saint Lucia

Saint Lucia Email Database

Email marketing may have been around for a while when compared to other possible channels, but it is far from becoming obsolete. Indeed, it still retains the greatest ROI per $1 spend of all lead generation tools, as notes Quick Sprout.

Using the Global Database email address database, Saint Lucia decision makers across thousands of local organisations are just a message away. Our email directory for the region is comprised of 751 direct email addresses, so you can build an efficient and potentially lucrative contact database completely from scratch.

Get results by creating targeted custom campaigns

Accuracy rate
Average email contacts per company
Valid email addresses

Saint Lucia Phone Directory

Global Database possesses over 0 direct dial phone numbers for the Saint Lucia region, so you are able to contact practically any company in the region. Because our numbers are all direct, you can avoid the time and resources that gatekeepers cost your business, and instead get right through to the decision makers you need.

Provide your BDRs with the right tools

Number of companies in Saint Lucia
Direct phone numbers listed
Average phone number per company

Saint Lucia B2B Marketing Database

Global Database takes the time and large costs out of procuring thousands of B2B phone and email leads for your campaigns. Crucially, our online platform also enables you to narrow your search based on filters such as revenue and employee numbers, so you can find the organisations that match your buyer profiles perfectly. You can even filter by staff seniority level, including CEOs, CTOs, and senior managers.

Filter, analyze, select, and engage with your customers
