Cambodia Companies Database

Regular company updates

Use only the most recent data when addressing the market of your interest

On-demand data enrichment

Complete the info you hold with useful data provided at your request

Full addressable market view

Estimate your business potential relying on a comprehensive market research

Cambodia Companies Database

If your business is looking for new prospects in Cambodia without the time and resources involved in manually seeking them out, the Global Database business contact directory is the ideal solution. Our database contains data on 1459 organisations in Cambodia, including:

  • Company name and address

  • Website addresses

  • Direct contact details for phone, email and fax

  • Senior executives' and senior managers' details

  • Financial histories

  • Employee numbers

  • Office locations

Our efficient online platform makes it incredibly easy to find exactly what you're after with a number of filter options to segment the records according to the demographics your company is targeting. Whether you're looking for thousands of new high-quality leads for your sales pipeline or to build a small business database with a more niche target audience, Global Database has something for you.


Understand and engage with your audience

Total Companies
Latest update

Cambodia Industry Database

With Global Database's companies database, Cambodia businesses across a wide range of verticals are made easier to reach out to. The directory includes organisations and key people in sectors such as marketing, engineering, research and strategy, chemicals, IT, finance and many more. With a total of 1459 entries for the region, almost every possible niche is catered for.

Analyze and select your target industries

Average Company per Industry
Cambodia Biggest Industry
Finance & Insurance
Number of Industries in Cambodia

Cambodia Business Credit Reports

Want a simpler, more cost-effective way to minimize risk and make more informed decisions? The Global Database Credit Report platform helps to avoid cash flow interruptions and target the best prospects in the Textile industry in Cambodia. How? Giving you access to a comprehensive credit report of your B2B partners and prospects.

While it’s almost a given that businesses need to extend credit to B2B partners in Cambodia, so many of them look solely at the strength of the relationship when assessing the creditworthiness of their partners. Without the knowledge of a company’s payment history, credit limit, or group structure, you’re putting yourself, and the financial future of your company, at risk.

Don’t wait — start making more informed decisions today. By connecting with the Global Database Business Credit Report platform, you’ll be able to quickly get reliable and crucial data for 241 businesses in the Textile industry in Cambodia. You’ll be ready to prevent fraud, keep consistently healthy cash flow levels, successfully navigate prospects’ group structure, and understand the credit risk for your current and future partners.

Enter company name or reg. number
Business Credit Reports

Cambodia Email Database

Although no one could argue that social media has not had a big impact on the business world, when it comes to marketing it is still email that reigns supreme. According to a survey by B2 Community, 60% of sales executives agree that email and newsletters remain the best performing channel in terms of return on investment, demonstrating the need for businesses to ensure they have a solid email marketing database in place.

Global Database has 17524 direct email addresses for Cambodia, with one of the highest deliverability rates on the market. We also enable our clients to make use of free and unlimited Excel exports, so creating a campaign for those new B2B email leads is as hassle-free as possible.

Get results by creating targeted custom campaigns

Accuracy rate
Average email contacts per company
Valid email addresses

Cambodia Company Phone Database

Any salesperson will understand the frustration of constantly being met by gatekeepers while carrying out a cold calling campaign. Global Database takes this annoyance out of the equation by providing direct contacts. The 826 phone numbers in our directory will enable your team to reach the people with real buying power in your industry, without the frustration of being misdirected or having your messages waylaid.

Provide your BDRs with the right tools

Number of companies in Cambodia
Direct phone numbers listed
Average phone number per company

Cambodia B2B Marketing Database

Our business contact directory makes it easy to target the perfect company types and professionals for your product or service. You can filter your search based on a range of specific demographic data that even includes job function; allowing you to narrow your B2B email list or call list to CEOs, CTOs and/or senior managers alone.

Filter, analyze, select, and engage with your customers
