Global Database Supercharges India Company Data with 2.4 Million Records and Real-Time Updates

by Nicolae Buldumac
· 23/01/2024 07:34 · 5 min read
Global Database Supercharges India Company Data with 2.4 Million Records and Real-Time Updates

Global Database is thrilled to announce a major expansion of our India company data, offering unparalleled depth and real-time updates for businesses looking to tap into the dynamic Indian market. We've gone beyond the ordinary, delving directly into the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) database to bring you a comprehensive picture of over 2.4 million companies, including 1.6 million active powerhouses. 

The dataset includes:  

  • Company legal name 

  • Incorporation date 

  • Legal form 

  • Company registration number 

  • Status 

  • Company class 

  • Registered address 

  • Authorized CAP &  

  • Paid-up capital 

  • Business activity 

And that's not all! We've gone the extra mile to enrich this core data with valuable firmographic information, including: 

  • Company website 

  • Business description 

  • Logo 

  • Social media profiles 

  • Industry keywords 

  • Technology used 

  • Number of employees & Revenue 

  • Latest news & activities 

This comprehensive data empowers you with unparalleled insights for: 

  • KYB (Know Your Business) use cases: Ensure compliance and mitigate risks by verifying company information. 

  • Product enrichment: Enhance your offerings with accurate and up-to-date company data. 

  • Sales & marketing: Target the right companies with laser precision and personalize your outreach. 

But the best part? We're not stopping here. Global Database is committed to continuous improvement, and we've established direct access to the MCA database for real-time updates. This means you'll always have the freshest data, reflecting the latest company changes within the same month they're published on the official platform. 

In short, this is more than just data; it's a gateway to the vibrant Indian business landscape. With Global Database's comprehensive and real-time India company data, you can navigate the market with confidence, make informed decisions, and unlock new opportunities for success. 

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